Bucket Filling Fairy Makes a Stop Granby Elementary School

Students at Granby Elementary School have made friends with a BFF – a Bucket Filling Fairy.

A BFF and a color cast of characters made a stop at the school last week to perform the character-building play ‘Have You Filled a Bucket Today.’

The play is based on Carol McCloud’s award-winning book Have You Filled a Bucket Today, which introduces young readers to the concepts of bucket-filling and bucket-dipping.

The play, like the book, is a modern twist to the golden rule – Treat others the way you want to be treated, using the idea of invisible buckets to reinforce how saying and doing nice things creates happiness and ‘fills’ a person’s bucket while saying or doing hurtful things can ‘dip’ into a person’s bucket and leave a person feeling sad.

Read the rest of the article on their website!